War – A State Of Conflict Between Two Countries. War is a means of achieving an end, a weapon that can be used for good or for bad purposes. Some of these purposes for which war has been used have been accepted by humanity as worthwhile ends: indeed, war performs functions that are essential in any human society. It has been used to settle disputes, to uphold rights, to remedy wrongs: and these are surely functions that must be served.

Although war represents human violence in its most intensive form, it is not simply human violence. It is something else besides, something with a distinctive and quite special configuration. Wars have tended, since antiquity, to have a clear and sharp beginning and an equally clear and sharp ending; and various ceremonials have been involved both in the initiation and the termination of the war.

In 2020 ‘War’ term is extended up to: limited war and total war, cold war and hot war, local war and world war, controlled and uncontrolled war, accidental war and premeditated war, conventional and nuclear war, declared and undeclared war, aggressive or offensive war and defensive war, general war and proxy war, international war and civil war, tribal and civilized war, preventive or pre-emptive war, protracted war, absolute war, war of liberation, war of conquest, war of commerce, war of plunder, revolutionary war, political war, economic war, social war, imperialist war, guerilla war, psychological war, strategic war, counter-insurgency war, dynastic war, monarchical war, ritual war, agonistic war, sacred war, instrumental war, genocidal war. Some of the listed war terms reflect concern for attitudes and behavior, linked with assumptions about the cause of war.

The effects of war usually include the destruction of land and property, displacement of citizens, even post-traumatic stress disorder of the people involved, especially soldiers.

While the financial effects largely depend on the specific war, often economies are negatively impacted, which then hurts the country’s citizens.

To stop terror and avoid war, we must first understand what causes it, and what approaches have, and haven’t, been successful in the past.  Don’t be afraid to speak out, and to listen: talk with your neighbors, your friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates.

Learn from the people you disagree with, but don’t shy away from voicing your opinions in places where they’re unpopular. Call into radio and television talk shows. Write letters to the editor and editorial boards.

A more economically just world will be one with less terror. Donate your own money, or organize events where your whole community can pitch in and help: benefits, readings, raffles, auctions, walk-a-thons and so forth. 

We, the public, are the people whose lives are on the line in the conflict; we have a right to demand that the people acting for us make our safety a priority.

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