Why so serious? is an English phrase that’s usually said to a somber person in a joyful setting.  “why so serious” can be used as a response to someone taking themselves or a particular topic too personally or seriously.

Meaning Of Serious

a. Demanding or characterized by careful consideration or application.
b. Acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or half-hearted manner.

Why And When People Become Serious

  1. YOU DON’T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED AT YOURSELF OR ANYTHING AT ALL: Laughter has been proven to reduce stress, combat anxiety, and depression, improve memory, lower blood pressure and heart rate, release endorphins into the body, and even boost circulation and oxygen levels to organs.
  2. YOU FEEL YOU MUST DEFEND YOURSELF CONSTANTLY: If you take yourself too seriously, you will likely feel as though everyone wants to attack you and get under your skin. You might see the world as a hostile, unfriendly place, in which you must defend your territory and belief systems.
  3. YOU GET OFFENDED WHEN OTHER PEOPLE QUESTION YOUR BELIEFS: You feel threatened when other people ask questions about your beliefs or viewpoints. You should be able to have a civilized, open conversation with someone without taking it to the extreme and feeling like you must get defensive about it.
  4. YOU ALWAYS NEED A GOAL TO CHASE AFTER IN ORDER TO FEEL HAPPY:  If you can’t feel happy without having something to work towards constantly, you might be taking yourself too seriously.

Hidden Qualities Of So Serious People

  1. You’re constantly learning: Taking your life seriously means you’re on a journey to explore new things. There’s a world out there you want to explore. Whether it’s a new language, culture, or latest invention, you’re up for learning about it.
  2. You’re independent: There’s nothing wrong with flying solo when you’re comfortable in your own company. You enjoy companionship, but don’t always feel the need to live up to anyone’s expectations other than your own. 
  3. You know your worth: Knowing your worth and not willing to settle for less is the biggest virtue you should have, and it will without a doubt give you a head start in life.
  4. You’re not afraid to speak your mind: You aren’t afraid to tell others when they are wrong or to simply just stop talking.
  5. You aim for success: You won’t settle for a job you don’t want. You want to be proud of your achievements!
  6. You’re responsible for money: You know money doesn’t grow on trees – so you don’t spend it on things you probably will never use.

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