Rivers – Is Quarrel Good For River Water ? Water conflict is a term describing a conflict between countries, states, or groups over access to water resources. The United Nations recognizes that water disputes result from opposing interests of water users, public or private.

Rivers have been the most important part of human life since ancient times. Rivers carry water and nutrients to areas all around the earth. They play a very important part in the water cycle, acting as drainage channels for surface water. Rivers drain nearly 75% of the earth’s land surface.

 Uses Of Rivers 

  1. Drinking: The main use of river water is for drinking purposes and most of the countries use river water for drinking.
  2. Irrigation: Irrigation is the main use of rivers, water flow to rivers keeping many agricultural lands not to dry. Irrigation helping crops grow at any season.
  3. Hydroelectricity: Hydroelectricity is another main use of rivers in which electricity is generated and supplied to industries and homes.
  4. Fishing: Fishing is not just a recreational activity, it is also a commercial thing where more people involved and earning money to live their life.
  5. Habitats: Rivers are not just used for drinking purposes, river banks are the places for many living organisms like frogs, fishes, and snakes. There are also crocodiles and beers that live along the banks of the rivers.
  6. Tourism: Beauty is something people can’t deny watching and experiencing. Rivers have a lot of beauty imbibed into it. Tourism playing a big role in some of the states in India earning a lot of money.
  7. Transportation: Transportation is also a big role in rivers, traveling on boats is a way how rivers make transportation possible.
  8. Place Of Worship: In many countries, many rivers are worshipped as gods. They are considered as pilgrims place. Fair and Faiths are organized over them.

Major reasons for river water conflicts 

  1. Low rainfall, inadequate water supply, and dependency on one major water source.

2. High population growth and rapid urbanization.

3. Modernization and industrialization.

4. A history of armed combat and poor relations between countries and among groups within countries.

5. Water scarcity alone, however, is infrequently the cause of armed conflict over water.

6. Immediately precipitating causes include sociopolitical tensions; disputes over dams, reservoirs, and other large-scale projects; and disputes concerning environmental and resource issues.

Preventing Conflicts Over River Water

1. Reducing the use of water, such as by decreasing wasteful uses and increasing efficient uses

2. The Increasing availability of clean water, such as by reducing industrial pollution and sewage contamination of water, improving sewage and wastewater treatment, and improving watershed management.

3. Establishing and maintaining new groundwater wells.

4. Designing and implementing improved methods of desalinization.

5. Expanding the use of greywater (wastewater from domestic activities that can be recycled for some uses), as has been done extensively in various countries.

Measures Before Conflicts Over River Arise

1.laws and regulations at the local, state or provincial, national, or international level;

2. Proactive cooperation among nations or among states or provinces within nations; and

3. Mediation and arbitration. 

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Other Readings : http://M Learning : My Learning Through Mobile Devices

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